
Quarantined Customers & New Behaviors

March 31, 2020

Growing Market Share Quarantined Customers & New Behaviors People are stuck at home. Buyer behavior has completely shifted, and it continues to shift weekly, if not daily. To keep up (and hope to stay ahead), we have to continue re-evaluating the shifting needs of customers and their current homebound reality. New habits are developing, and some will not be changing back. Where do you even start? Good answers start with good questions.  Which is your core audience? a) The SaversNo matter the income bracket, they’re cutting back across the board. They’re hurt. They’re scared. They don’t see this ending soon.…

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Brainstorm: Grassroots Launch

March 4, 2020

Resources Brainstorm: Grassroots Launch Use the following framework to plan a grassroots rollout strategy using Shared, Owned and Paid Media channels. Shared Media is the emphasis at this stage. (hence the additional real estate on your worksheet) It requires patience, creativity and activating in a way that encourages audience participation. Download the PDF and give it a go. (It's not gated, but do reach out and tell us if it was useful.) Let us know what you’re pushing towards. Get in touch for more information on our case studies or marketing framework resources.

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Audience Influence Mapping

March 4, 2020

Resources Audience Influence Mapping Use the following framework to help identify the endorsements that matters most. You might be surprised to learn you're currently messaging to both audiences with similar messages. Identifying who's who and their unique purchasing decisions may unlock the change you need to level up your brand messaging. Download the PDF and give it a go. (It's not gated, but do reach out and tell us if it was useful.) Let us know what you’re pushing towards. Get in touch for more information on our case studies or marketing framework resources.

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Brand Voice Quiz

March 4, 2020

Resources Brand Voice Quiz Brand voice is a tricky thing. When it's dialed in, your audience will barely notice, because you sound like you. But when it's off, it can be confusing or worse. This quick quiz will help you know where your voice stands. Download the PDF and give it a go. (It's not gated, but do reach out and tell us if it was useful.) Let us know what you’re pushing towards. Get in touch for more information on our case studies or marketing framework resources.

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Brooks Thomas: Southwest Airlines

March 2, 2020

Interviews Brooks Thomas:Southwest Airlines As one of Southwest Airlines’ most visible employees during his eight years with the company, it’s not surprising that Brooks Thomas starts his LinkedIn bio with simply: “I love my job.” We’ve enjoyed learning from and laughing with Brooks at SXSW and other national conferences, so we wanted to share his wit and wisdom with you. My role on the Social Business Team is to constantly have an eye on the future, and apply that lens to big enterprise-wide projects where digital and social strategy could make an impact. As a Social Business Team, we’re part-incubator,…

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Andrew Vontz: Strava

March 2, 2020

Interviews Andrew Vontz:Strava Pop quiz: How many runners report never hitting the snooze button? 57 percent. Do men or women say they enjoy running uphill more? Men. We know this thanks to today's email from Strava, the fitness brand that connects millions of athletes online to help them track, share and archive their activities and applaud their friends. Join us as we take a break from geeking out on our stats (but really, check out this heat map) to talk to Andrew Vontz, head of communications at Strava, creator/host of the Choose the Hard Way podcast and, as you'll see, a Kansas City…

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Jeremy Ragonese: Uinta Brewing

March 2, 2020

Interviews Jeremy Ragonese:Uinta Brewing We don't remember hearing anything from our college advisors about using our advertising or design degrees to become the president of a craft brewer, yet that's exactly what Jeremy Ragonese has done. After 11 years of agency life, Jeremy spent a decade leading marketing efforts at Kansas City's Boulevard Brewing Co. before moving to Salt Lake City to become Chief Marketing Officer and now President at Uinta Brewing. Raise a pint with us and enjoy Jeremy's insights.  The first question I’m always asked is "how do you pronounce your brewery name?" to which I respond: "You-In-Ta.” Like…

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Joe Mandacina: Cerner

March 2, 2020

Interviews Joe Mandacina:Cerner It’s impossible to talk about big brands in Kansas City without mentioning Cerner and Sprint, and Joe Mandacina has been in leadership roles at both. Before becoming Cerner’s Chief Communications Officer in early 2019, Joe spent several years at Sprint in various executive positions in Marketing, General Management, Corporation Communications, Business Development and Finance. Knowing that he serves as a mentor to nearly a dozen colleagues, we asked him to share some insights with us… and you. Cerner is a 40-year old technology company that specializes in health care.  The company pioneered software to digitize the Electronic…

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Lisa Conquergood: USAFacts

March 2, 2020

Interviews Lisa Conquergood:USAFacts Lisa is Director, Marketing & Communications at USAFacts, a non-profit, non-partisan civic initiative aimed at making government numbers more available, accessible, and understandable to Americans. While I’ve always viewed whatever product I was working on as being helpful, whether that was an easy photo-editor, a cheap flight to Vegas, or a quality down jacket, the level of “helpful” for a service like USAFacts is exponentially higher. This is the type of help that makes a material difference to our society, not just someone’s day. USAFacts captures federal, state, and local government data from more than 90 different…

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Claire Harrison: blooom

March 2, 2020

Interviews Claire Harrison:blooom Claire is the Creative Director at blooom who believes people deserve smart, simple, affordable help when it comes to their 401k.If you’re asking yourself, “WTF is a 401k?” You’re not alone! A 401k is the majority of Americans best chance at retiring comfortably. In fact, 8 out of 10 people are planning on it. That said, managing your 401k is confusing as $#*!. Read the full interview @ nHouse Let us know what you’re pushing towards. Get in touch for more information on our case studies or marketing framework resources.

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