
Tyler Beckett

May 31, 2015

Resources Tyler Beckett Tyler drinks tea, not coffee. He founded Hugo Tea Company to sell premium, drinkable, loose tea with the thought that more people would drink tea if it were done differently. Why Tea? Tea is objectively a badass beverage. The original energy drink in many ways. It’s better for you than virtually any other drink-of-habit (coffee, soda, Red Bull, etc). It’s vastly cheaper than all of the above. It’s less taxing on the environment too. Tea cultivation produces around 10x as many cups per acre than coffee, which means less land to clear and harvest. Tea cultivation also uses about 8x…

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Ideas: How to keep ‘em flowing

May 7, 2015

Ideas Ideas: How to Keep ‘Em Flowing Marketers agree a steady flow of ideas is important to marketing success. In fact 99.2% in a recent study agreed. It’s sort of endearing 0.8% decided to take a stand against idea generation. Haters gonna hate. *Source: Kapost, “Content Ideas,” April 8, 2015 For the majority out there looking for that steady flow, here’s some pro-tips from a guy who essentially is paid to come up with said ideas for a living. It’s not a magic formula, but having a framework and techniques to fall back on really does help. So here goes:…

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Things we’re pretty sure are true about content

May 4, 2015

Resources Things We’re Pretty Sure Are True About Content OPEN STRONG Use emotionally strong language to grab attention. IT’S THEM, NOT YOU Don’t be distracted by your own interests. What are buyers’ interests?Define your audience segments well. Really well. Fill a need – whether emotional or useful. Then avoid the distractions of the masses. EXPRESS A POINT-OF-VIEW Take a stance. Don’t be just informational or hard selling. Those are turn-offs. Find a unique, human voice. It’s relateable and builds trust. CREATE ONCE, USE MANY WAYS Curate, create, repurpose. Content is currency everywhere online and offline. Make the message about the…

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