
Katie Boody

February 11, 2020

Resources Katie Boody Katie is Founder & CEO of The Lean Lab an innovation incubator where educators develop new school models, services and products. The mission is better education for all kids in KC using creativity and a startup mentality. Here’s a Softball: Why Is Education Innovation More Likely to Happen in a Startup Context Than Within the Bureaucracy of Public Education? The keyword here is agility. Though stability and bureaucracy have their place in large systems, like public education, we often see that educators end up feeling that they need permission to innovate. There is a sense of rigidity, that new ideas…

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How to Create an Editorial Calendar

February 4, 2020

Resources How to Create an Editorial Calendar Creating an editorial calendar from scratch can be a daunting task. Use this guide to walk through the process and create a calendar that’s ideal for you. Evaluate Your Needs DEFINE YOUR CONTENT TYPES & CHANNELS What kind of content does your team create? Do you need to organize daily blog posts, regular email copywriting and creation? Are there new types of content that you’re planning to test out? Make a list of all the various types of content you create that could use more strategy and organization behind them. Make sure you…

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The building blocks of an effective content strategy

February 3, 2020

Resources The Building Blocks of an Effective Content Strategy Creating a content marketing strategy for the first time? It can be hard to know where to start. The strongest strategies balance data and intuition: you need some hard metrics to inform your audience, know what’s effective and know which channels are working the hardest for you, but you also need a nuanced understanding of your industry, marketing best practices and — yeah, you still have go to with your gut a little bit. Here are some of the primary places we look when we begin to build content strategies. Data,…

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Brand Messaging Checklist: 10 Ways to Get it Right

February 3, 2020

Resources Brand Messaging Checklist: 10 Ways to Get it Right How do you know when your message is worth the effort to tell? Not only worth telling, but worth your audience consuming? To help build a well-oiled marketing machine, it helps to have clearly defined processes and checkpoints. Over the years, we’ve developed a checklist that grades our messaging ideas. It’s our top-requested resource. In fact, it’s the heart of one of our frequently given talks “Right & Wrong: Lessons in Shareable Content” which discusses how we rate and beat up our initial ideas until it passes this checklist. It’s…

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A Starter Guide to a Career as a Strategist

February 3, 2020

Resources A Starter Guide to a Career as a Strategist What advice would you give college students pursuing a career in marketing? Learn to code instead? Invest in your 401k early?! The local Ad Club asked if I’d do just this. Specifically on how to get started as a Strategist. The following are the slides/sketches I offered up to the future talent in our industry. The Path I Took I started as a maker and a generalist. Early on, UX/UI design and animation was my jam. I could code well-enough, but it didn’t charge my batteries. So instead of pursuing…

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The Best Content Measurement Tools

February 3, 2020

Resources The Best Content Measurement Tools We like to go beyond soft measurements and understand the full impact – some call this “ROI” – that our content generates. Our philosophy is that it’s important to understand the impact of tactics holistically. It’s easy to get stuck in meaningless metrics, so we define what our goals early and measure against them. Before you decide which tools you’re using, it’s important to know what you want to measure. What are your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? If you’re sending an email, is your KPI simply opens or clicks, or is it a full-funnel…

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