
Stephen Hopkins

July 31, 2014

Resources Stephen Hopkins Stephen blends design and business as the President of Shield Casework. The innovative solid surface healthcare company was born out of the Innovation Lab he led at Dimensional Innovations. Prior to that, he worked for local architecture firms Populous and Gould Evans. How Did an Idea in the Innovation Lab Become a Full Fledged Company? When we started the Innovation Lab we developed a roadmap of how projects would progress through the Lab. The process was designed to promote failure, to kill ideas. We had stage gates that tested everything from engineering possibility to price targets and market viability. The…

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John Kreicbergs

July 31, 2014

Resources John Kreicbergs John currently splits time and energy between Kid Rocket Studios, Propaganda3, AAF-KC, and RKO Workshop. The commonality between each one is a need for creation. Through it all John keeps clients, teams and even himself in tune, on time and marching to the same beat. The Direction for Kid Rocket Studios Is Much More Than Apps. What’s the Vision and Why Does It Matters to Kids Today? There’s this fantastic quote that I like to use when people go on those “kids these days…” tirades. The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders…

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Gina Stingley

July 30, 2014

Resources Gina Stingley Gina is marketing manager and head cheerleader at Populous, the world’s leading design firm dedicated to creating environments where millions unite. The World Cup being a recent example. If it’s strategic planning, business development, brand management, public relations, communications, social media strategy and/or community relations, it falls to Gina’s team. What Does It Mean to Your Marketing Team When 3 Billion People Watch a Game Played in a Populous Stadium? It means that’s a lot of eye balls on what we love to do – and that’s to create great experiences for folks to come together for a common cause. We…

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Daniel Goggin

July 30, 2014

Resources Daniel Goggin Daniel is an artist, designer, and videographer developing interactive experiences for Hint. Sensor, video projection, display and camera technology is his primary focus. He is also the creative and technical lead for XO Blackwater providing live visuals for concerts and music video production. *Readers note: Each question has a corresponding song for your listening pleasure. ♫ Loggins and Messina – Danny’s Song There Is a Playfulness to Much of Your Work. Is That an Intentional Part of Your Creative Process? or Is It Just Inevitable as People Try to Get Their Heads Around the Possibilities of These Mediums? I think it may…

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