
Ryan Ressler

May 31, 2014

Resources Ryan Ressler Ryan is a writer by trade. Rider and runner by choice. He’s currently a Sr Writer with VML after stints at Cerner, MMGY, and Garmin. If you’re the Twitter type, he only posts the good stuff you won’t find elsewhere. You Know How Some People Cleverly List the Internet as Their Residence? You’re the Only Person I Know Personally Where That Actually Just Makes Sense. Please, Please Explain How You Internet. Ha. I consume a hazardous amount of online content. My only tip for sorting it all out: Swim Upstream. That is – find the direct source of content…

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Matthew Irish

May 31, 2014

Resources Matthew Irish Matthew Irish is a software engineer of the front-end variety. He’s currently building educational tools and resources for the Salt Lake City-based Instructure. Prior to supplementing our educational system with modern technology Matt put in work at Safari Books Online, Garmin, and local ad shop Salva O’Renick. He’s a smart dude that can become an expert on a new topic faster than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s why I love him. It’s also why I hate him. Let’s see what smartie pants has to share with us. This Is Your Second Gig Working Remotely. How’s That Going for…

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Justin Farmer

May 31, 2014

Resources Justin Farmer Justin is a multi-talented designer and strategic mind working as an Associate Creative Director at MMGY Global. You may know him as local taco eating legend. (26 tacos at Rico’s. Crushed the record.) Ira Glass said a while back that people do creative work because they have good taste. That always makes me think of Justin Farmer. I’ve known the guy forever and he’s always had great taste. Am I Right to Think Your Personal Tastes Led You Into Creative Pursuits or Was It Something Else? Yeah, it pulled me towards talented creative people. I’m a bit of a…

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Chris Riebschlager

May 30, 2014

Resources Chris Riebschlager Chris creates things that are useful and beautiful. By day he is a Front-end Engineer at Mindmixer. You may also know him from his past stints at Clickfarm, Barkley’s Moonshot Lab, VML, and Bernstein-Rein. His passions range from creative code frameworks to bad ass chicken coops. What Challenge Did Mindmixer Give You That Sparked Your Interest? When I was working at Bernstein-Rein, I had the opportunity to work with a group of people who I’ve always considered a web development dream team. It was pure kismet that all these ridiculously talented designers and developers happened to coalesce at BR. We created…

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