
Inspiring pilots to reach new heights

Creating videos that highlight life at Airshare.


In order to keep up with new customer growth, Airshare needed a more reliable pipeline of qualified pilots as they grow into new markets. But to get those pilots, they needed a new way to inspire them to apply. That’s where we came in.


We couldn’t just talk about what makes Airshare great. We needed to show it. That’s why we created a video that could be used in various recruiting initiatives while highlighting what makes Airshare unique — and why pilots love working there.  


We didn’t just create one video for Airshare. We cut it into different vignettes, each highlighting a different perk Airshare provides. That way, these videos could be used anywhere Airshare needed — internally, on their website and in paid digital campaigns.   


Airshare wanted to recruit new pilots. Now, they have a collection of videos to do just that in a clear, concise and inspiring way.